/**/ The Purposeful Wife: Goals for April

Friday, April 13, 2012

Goals for April

Just had to share this picture- what a silly face :)!
 I know, I'm a bit behind in developing and sharing my goals for this month.

Inspiration alluded me. Some of the goals I'd meant to pursue throughout the year (reading six books a month, organizing and purging one room a month) seemed less than effective and needed to be revised.

With reading six books a month, some of my reading was less than comprehensive and quality. And some books require longer digestion processes.

Organizing one room a month allotted more time than necessary to the task. Each room took about two weeks, and I spent the last two weeks of the month lazily lolligaging on other things.

I'm learning the importance of evaluating what it is I am trying to accomplish, and if my means of doing so are effective. It is a profitable lesson.

Our little Easter girl :)
 My goals for April?

1. Read books, not facebook updates. This was the real purpose behind my six books a month goal. Instead of wasting time mindlessly meandering the realm of social media, I wanted to invest my time in things of value. Reading good books. This goal no longer has a number. So I will keep reading, and finish as many books as I can, trying to waste less time online.

2. Read to my daughter every day. S is nine months old (yikes! how did that happen?), six months adjusted age (if she'd come on her due date, that's how old she'd be, and this is the age she's more on track with developmentally). Her value from reading time with mommy might not be huge yet, but I want to start making it a priority now. Having this on my "to do" list every day allows me to set aside the business of my housekeeping agenda, and take time to be still and focus on her. Because she's the reason I'm home in the first place.

3. Try to cement my ideal daily routines. Every day I want to strive to do the things I'm supposed to do, when I am supposed to do them. Sometimes life happens, and my little check list is impossible. But as much as it is in my power I want to work towards it! Because keeping up with these little things has a great pay off- a peaceful, orderly home and heart that blesses my husband, baby and me.

Me and the babe

So far these goals are going well. I'm reading Elie Wiesel's Night, Jerry Bridge's Respectable Sins, Ruth Yaron's Super Baby Food, and Douglas Wilson's The Case for Classical Christian Education. All good. I'll be posting reviews as I finish them. Good soul food, good exercise for my mind.

I've read to S most days, but there have been a few when it didn't happen at all, and a few when it was pushed half-heartedly to the end of the day. I'll just keep working at it! And the same goes for my routines. Little by little, day by day, I am seeing growth and progress.

What are your goals for April? And how are they coming? Do share!


  1. Awe- what cute pictures :) I love that one of your goals is to read to your little one! We read all the time to our girls - and they now love to sit and just read by themselves. We loved Goodnight Gorilla, Counting Kisses and pretty much any Biscuit book :)

    1. Thanks Aurie! I so look forward to the day when S is a big girl who picks up a book on her own, but oh how I am cherishing these little days!!!

  2. That is the way to do it. Little by little, and day by day. Your baby is so precious. :) Looking at your pics make me miss the baby cuddle days. :) My "baby" is now 7. But each age is precious in its own way.

    1. Thank you Dianna :). Wow, 7! I hear it happens quickly, boy am I nervous about my baby growing up :).

  3. Such good goals! I realize I accomplish so much more if I actually write them out like you did :) Your daughter looks like a little doll!

  4. Beautiful post! My goal for April is to really get down on teaching my oldest the Bible stories and do more things outside. Have a blessed day!

    1. Great goal Ashley :). Teaching our children the Word of God is a noble and necessary task!! Keep up the good work!

  5. What a cute baby you have! You've got great goals, and you're doing well at them. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement Nikki :).

  6. Great goals, and well done! I love the pictures, too :-)


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