/**/ The Purposeful Wife: Weekly Goals

Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekly Goals

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It was another busy week at the O'Neill home :). My husband was away on a business trip for most of it, but I am happy to report that he is safely home now! I tried to keep myself occupied by hanging out with friends and getting out of the house as much as possible. This made the week go fast, unfortunately it meant that I didn't accomplish as much on the home front. Here's how I did on last week's goals:


Make a chart for my daily routine and start doing it daily! I have been wandering aimlessly without routines or to do lists lately, and it is not me at my best, let me tell you!

Read for at least thirty minutes daily. Not even close :/.


Hide love notes in his luggage (he has a little business trip this week).

Welcome him home to a clean house and a nice dinner!


Try an activity or two from No Time for Flashcards (Moms, you have got to check out this site! It is fantastic!). 

Work on sleep training. Ugh. Develop a night time routine to ease her into it! We kind of sort of did this? For now we've given up on the "crying it out" method. We are getting into a steady routine, but it requires me laying down next to her to fall asleep. Not ideal, I know :/.


Make one new meal: bean burritos for the freezer with homemade refried beans. (Not too fancy, which is perfectly okay with me). My beans are soaked and softened, I'm planning on making the refried beans and burritos tonight or tomorrow. Close!

Organize and purge everything! Haha, I am in a kick to seriously declutter, and I'm going to ride its tide as long as I have the energy :).  I was a bit ambitious with this one. I did however come up with a garbage bag full of unwanted clutter to drop off at Salvation Army :).


Write for one hour every day, Monday-Friday.

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Preemie PrintsIf you didn't see it yet, yesterday on Preemie Prints I shared about the connection between zinc deficiency and severe diaper rash in preemies. This may or may not be of interest to you ;).

Next Weeks Goals (I will be trying to catch up on what I ought to have done this week!):


Make a chart for my daily routine and start doing it daily! I have been wandering aimlessly without routines or to do lists lately, and it is not me at my best, let me tell you!

Read for at least thirty minutes daily.


Enjoy a relaxed weekend together, catching up after Niall's trip.


Try an activity or two from No Time for Flashcards (Moms, you have got to check out this site! It is fantastic!).   


Make one new meal.

Continue to organize and declutter the house, one room at a time.


Write for one hour every day, Monday-Friday.

What are your plans for the coming week? 

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