/**/ The Purposeful Wife: Corduroy, by Don Freeman {1968}

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Corduroy, by Don Freeman {1968}

Maybe you read Corduroy as a child {it is a definite classic!}... but have you read it to your own little ones yet? The timeless tale will surely delight them :).

Plot. Corduroy is a teddy bear, just sitting on the shelves of the department store's toy section, waiting to be loved. One day Lisa walks in, and wants him for her own. Lisa's mother says, "Not today," and comments that Corduroy is missing a button. The girl sadly leaves with her mother, and after the store closes, Corduroy begins the hunt for his missing button. Will he find it? And will he ever see Lisa again?

Thematic Elements. Friendship, loneliness, and extrinsic vs. intrinsic value are all touched upon. Does a missing button make Corduroy any less of a quality companion? True friendship sees beyond the externals. Love is not superficial, but seeks to serve and care for the one loved.

Educational Opportunities. Teach your child about different fabrics- let them touch and discuss the properties of corduroy, velvet, cotton, satin, cashmere.... whatever you have lying around your home. Fine motor skills can be employed in buttoning and unbuttoning. For older children, you could give a basic sewing lesson and have them stitch a button onto fabric. Lisa pays for Corduroy with her own money from her piggy bank. Discuss basic money management with your kids, and let them get some real life practice by paying them for extra work around the house {teach spending, saving, giving, etc.}.


Other Resources. This read-aloud video version is set to pleasant music.

Be sure to also check out... A Pocket for Corduroy, Norman the Doorman, and Quiet! There's a Canary in the Library.

Looking for more great books to read with your preschooler? Check out the rest of this 31 Days series here!

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