/**/ The Purposeful Wife: My Summer Reading So Far

Monday, August 17, 2015

My Summer Reading So Far

Summertime is reading time as far as I'm concerned. Almost every afternoon when I take my kids outside to play, I also take a book to read. I blew through a couple of books last week while on vacation at my parent's house. And I have another stack I'm trying to work my way through currently. There is always a stack people.

Here are a few highlights from what I've finished so far.

Money and Marriage God's Way by Howard Dayton. This was okay- nothing too revolutionary, but good reminders. I've been trying to brush up the finances lately, so I've been taking the opportunity to read as many similar materials as I can get my hands on. When you need encouragement or inspiration in an area, pick up a book ;).

Dear Mr. Knightly by Katherine Reay. Much to my surprise, I adored this novel. The author has another already published, and a new release coming soon, so I am excited to get my hands on them next!

Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung. Lot's of helpful insights, bathed in Scripture and full of good truths. Worth the price of the book for the chapter on parenting alone. Seriously, I was so encouraged upon reading that chapter!
Money Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Craker. My husband saw the title of this book and said, "That's easy. Don't pay taxes." Ha ha ha. While there is probably some truth to that, there was much more helpful and applicable information to be gleaned from the reading. An easy-breezy book to be flown through. Brushing up on the finances, once again ;). My biggest take away was the idea that financial self-discipline is like a muscle- if it's flabby, start flexing it regularly for good results.

Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin. This wasn't my favorite Rubin book, but it was still seriously fun to read, chock-full of scientific findings, personal anecdotes, and delicious quotes. I didn't resonate at all with her four types of people theory, but still found lots of helpful ideas for implementing good habits. Something I am always working on and interested in.

What have you been reading lately? Please share the notable!

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