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Today we begin our preschool at home.
While I'm not taking S's education too seriously at the tender age of four, she has shown interest in learning to read. Also, I know that if I intend to homeschool seriously in the future, some early practice in consistency and daily discipline {before the State requires me to register with them} could do this mama good.
Our plan is super super simple.
Each morning after breakfast we will have "circle time." W at only two is able to join us for this {we began over the summer}. We sing a hymn {I pick one for us to learn each week}, work on the catechism, and read a few books together. Then we usually have some crafting time or play a game.
From there I will work with S on her lessons for the day, while W plays with toys set aside specially for "school" time.
Reading. We will be spending ten minutes working through Jesse Wise's The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading. It's a phonetic system that seems perfect for where S is at. I also read an alphabet book a day to both kids, and I've been collecting letter games on Pinterest to play with them both as a part of circle time.
Math. I'm collecting fun number games on Pinterest too to play with the kids at circle time. While S is a fairly good counter, we could use some work on counting past 10 and recognizing numerals. And W is at a ripe age for picking up these skills.
Writing. My goal is for S to be able to write her name, and I loved the idea from this article to write it in highlighter and have her practice tracing over it. We'll also practice writing out our letters and numbers each day.
For science, art, and history, I simply intend to check out lots of titles on these topics from our local library, and to include them in our daily afternoon and circle time readings. We'll also read books that focus on character development {such as The Children's Book of Virtues}.
We will be memorizing a catechism question and hymn each week, something that we rehearse each night in family worship and review in circle time. For music, we'll be listening to a wide variety of styles and types.
I just want the kids to get their feet wet and be exposed to lots of good books and beautiful works of art. At two and four, learning should be fun and feel more like play. The habit of daily going through these motions is more for my benefit than theirs- I sometimes wonder how difficult it will be to homeschool in earnest when they are grade school age, with more babies and housework making life even busier than it already is.
I'm sure I will be updating you all here on our progress. What do you do for preschool? A full curriculum? Nothing at all? I'd love to know what works well in your family.
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