/**/ The Purposeful Wife: Homemaking: the Job for which All Others Exist

Monday, March 7, 2016

Homemaking: the Job for which All Others Exist

"Homemaking is surely in reality the most important work in the world. What do ships, railways, mines, cars, government, etc. exist for except that people may be fed, warmed, and safe in their own homes? ...the homemaker's job is one for which all others exist." C.S. Lewis

When you think of your work as a homemaker, do you envision it as the noble and lofty calling that it is?

I don't care whether you are at home full time, or working outside the home and doing your best to establish a safe and welcoming place for loved ones on nights and weekends- all the home doings- the laundry, the dishes, the scrubbing, the tidying- it's all noble, God-glorifying work.

A few reasons why we might not see homemaking for what it is {beautiful and worthwhile!}:

  • Cultural Values. Our culture praises and promotes going out, making money, and getting ahead. Of course those things are necessary and have their proper place; but if we prioritize money and career above people and relationships, it can be easy to despise the seemingly "small" things that actually hold greater value. 
  • Monotony and Dullness. I'll freely admit that folding and putting away laundry doesn't stretch me intellectually. A lot of the mechanics of homemaking are same-old same-old. Sometimes that can get discouraging- even if you do know the value of your role as homemaker!
  • Never-ending Nature of the Work. No matter how quick and efficient you are, there will always be another dish to wash, another meal to prepare, and more dirty clothing to launder. People's basic needs are constant, so the work of meeting those needs is also constant. The constancy can make you feel like you've accomplished nothing of lasting value. 
But, take heart!
  • Meeting Basic Needs Shows Love and Builds Relationships. Saturday morning pancakes, the sweet smell of clean sheets and the easing of the weary body into a crisp and cool freshly made bed, gathering around the fire with family in a tidy, cozy living room... these are the precious moments that life-giving memories are made of. What you do matters. Your family knows you love them when you offer your best with a joyful heart on the home front.
  • God is Glorified in Your Work. A happy Christian home is a brightly shining Gospel light in a world of brokenness and sin. Your housework is Kingdom work- you are building into eternal souls. You are mirroring His image as you bring order to your domain. 

Lewis' words are really true. Why do we all do the work we do? So we can come home and enjoy the ones we love in a safe and warm environment. 

Don't despair homemaker- your job is the job for which all others exist.

I'm beginning every Monday morning of 2016 with words from a "great mind"- encouraging quotes from believers who have finished the course before us, running well to the end. My prayer is that they will give both you and me the boost we need to start our week both hopeful and fixed on Jesus.

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