Or, alternately: what's keeping me sane and organized lately.
I first heard about bullet journals from my lovely friend Sarah. When I read her post about it, I thought, "Hmm... I already kind of do this." I kept a journal in which I would jot down to do lists, notes, etc. I just never realized the full potential of what it could be.
A regular planner used to work great for me in high school and college, but the complexities of organizing my adult life eventually made it not enough. So for the past few years I've kept a planner alongside of this journal, never realizing that I could just do away with the planner all together and keep everything in one spot.
Instead of my life being spread out over my wall calendar, a planner that I barely use, a journal, and random pieces of scrap paper, I've rolled everything into this one book.
I love it.
If you'd like a more flexible, personally adaptable method of organizing your life on paper, I highly recommend bullet journaling. All you need is an empty notebook to get started.
There are hundreds of ideas out there for customizing your bullet journal- just Google it. Personally mine is very bare bones simple.
I haven't chosen to use the standard bullet journal system of marking tasks. My bullet journal is totally tailored to my preference for square check boxes. But I guess that's kind of the point. Your bullet journal can be whatever you want it to be.
Here's what I keep in my bullet journal:
A weekly spread.
A monthly spread.
That's it.
For my weekly spread, I list every weekday with three lines between each other for writing out the individual day's to dos. I also keep a goals list and running to do list. Each night as I plan the next day's tasks, I consult my goals and master to do list. Each week covers two pages, my week-at-a-glance- perfect.
My monthly spread has completely replaced my planner and calendar. I number out the month with the first initial of which day of the week it is, and as I make appointments and plans, they get written right next to their date. I also keep a little habit tracker box to make sure I'm doing my most important things every day {I'm not yet as awesome at filling this out as I want to be}. Each month takes up two pages, my month-at-a-glance- double perfect.
Occasionally I'll make random notes or lists in between my weekly layouts. It works for me! I love this system, and can't imagine myself ever going back to a rigid old planner.
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