So it's been four months since my last post. And a wild four months it has been! When I started this blog I was in the first trimester of my pregnancy. Surprise! My due date was October 11th. Bigger surprise: I went into preterm labor at 24 weeks, was admitted to the hospital on strict bed rest, and delivered a baby girl by emergency c-section at 27 weeks on July 13th. Nowadays I am living at the NICU of our local hospital trying to help care for our micro preemie. Not what I had planned or could have foreseen, but the Lord ordained it, and by His grace our daughter is doing extremely well. Now that I am doing a lot of sitting around these days (pumping breast milk to feed her), I thought maybe I have time to blog again. So we'll see how it goes. Your prayers for our little girl are appreciated!
Holding our little miracle, 4 days old
Praying as always, my dear friend. Love you. :)