/**/ The Purposeful Wife: A List of Scriptures for Memorization

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A List of Scriptures for Memorization

In the back of our Catechism, there is a list of "Scripture Passages for Learning By Heart." My husband thought that it would be a good list to work our way through as we memorize Scripture. I mentioned it in my Goals for 2012.

That being said, it is quite a long list! It might take me three years... or I might end up taking a different approach before I get any where close to finishing it. The point is that I am systematically working through something! No matter how far we get, any Scripture memorized is valuable and beneficial.

I'm not sure that I will memorize it all in order. Right now I am about half way through the list of Psalms. I might start skipping around the list just to provide some variety for myself in the types of passages I am meditating on.

For your benefit, if you want to memorize Scripture but don't know where to start, here is our list:

Exodus 20:1-17 (The ten commandments)
Psalm 1, 16, 19, 23, 25, 27, 32, 34, 51, 84, 90, 92, 95, 100, 103, 115, 116, 130, 139, 145.
Proverbs 3:1-20; 6:6-11; 10;11; 20.
Ecclesiastes 12
Isaiah 40; 53; 55.
Matthew 5:3-16; 6; 7; 25; 28:18-20.
Mark 14:22-25, 32-42.
Luke 15:11-32; 16:19-31; 18:1-14; 24:13-35.
John 1:1-18; 14:1-15; 20:1-23.
Acts 17:22-31; 20:17-38.
Romans 5:1-11; 8:28-39; 12.
1 Corinthians 13; 15.
2 Corinthians 5.
Ephesians 3:14-21; 6:10-20.
Colossians 3:1-4; 4:2-6.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
Titus 2:11-14.
Hebrews 4:14-16; 11:1-12:3.
1 John 1:5-2:6; 3:13-24; 4.
Revelation 1:9-20; 7:9-17; 20:11-15; 21; 22.

Okay, phew! Make that 8 years...

Do you have a list of verses you are working your way through memorizing? Or do you take more of a random approach? I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. My husband and I are working on memorizing the book of Ephesians right now (going backwards). It's nice to get passages in their full context! I do like the idea of working on a list of vital sections like the list above, though.


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