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19. Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if I expected it would not be above an hour, before I should hear the last trump.
"Behold! I tell you a mystery.We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed." 1 Corinthians 15:51,52
One day a trumpet is going to sound, and those who are in Christ will go to meet Him in the air. The 19th Resolution of Jonathan Edwards is a call to live in light of this trumpet sound.
He resolved never to do anything he would be afraid to do if it wouldn't be more than an hour before that trumpet rang. I can only imagine that he meant sin, in its varying shades and forms.
Why was Jonathan Edwards afraid of sin?
Because sin breaks our fellowship with our Savior. Sin is the reason Christ had to shed His blood for His people. The idea of being found in sin at the moment of Christ's return brings a shameful blush to many a Christian's face.
Until we meet Christ or die (whichever comes first!), we are going to sin. Remnants of the fallen nature still linger, corrupting even our best days of walking with the Lord. We are constantly sinning. Jonathan Edwards knew this, I am certain he had it in mind even as he wrote this resolution.
Resolution #19, however, reflects an attitude towards sin that we would do well to adopt. It is an attitude that I fear to be frightfully lacking, both in my own heart and the Church at large.
He was afraid of sinning.
Our sin bothers us. It may irritate us, or really get under our skin... but are we afraid of it?
I am afraid of what I perceive to be the "big" sins- adultery, lying, stealing, spewing hateful words that can't be taken back at those I love.
But do I fear them because of the consequences? Because I hate to be wrong? Because I long for good relationships with the people I care about?
Or do I fear them because in committing them I would be sinning against a Holy, Righteous, Awesome, and Good God?
And do I fear the sins that I think of as "small"? Because while impatience, laziness, and unkindness seem "small" to me, each one on its own was more than big enough to nail my Savior to a tree.
And yes, they bother me a little. But when I mediate on the Gospel, I see that they do not bother me nearly as much as they should.
What is the remedy?
Fixing my eyes on Jesus. Meditating upon the Gospel. Anticipating that last trumpet sound.
Today, and Lord willing, every day, I am renewing my commitment to live in light of that last trumpet call. To walk with my eyes fixed on eternity. To seek Him, and His Kingdom, first.
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