/**/ The Purposeful Wife: Tying Up Loose Ends: Wrapping (Day 14)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tying Up Loose Ends: Wrapping (Day 14)

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I have a confession to make: I am probably the worst present wrapper in the world. My mother and sister, both artists, wrap in a perfectly symmetrical and lovely fashion, complete with hand curled ribbons and stunning homemade labels on top.

My wrapping jobs are full of creases, lumps, and tears. Seriously atrocious.

Today there is good news for lousy wrappers like me: since we've been working so hard at prepping for Christmas early, there is plenty of time to wrap those presents right!

I might even try for fancier wrapping this time around, since 1) I have plenty of time to fix any catastrophes and 2) Pinterest is so inspiring and all ;). In fact, you guessed it- I've even made a pinboard of gift wrapping ideas for your inspiration!

If you've been tracking with us, there is a good chance that you already have several gifts purchased or made and ready to go. If you haven't been tracking with us, there is still plenty of time to catch up and be done with plenty of time to spare. C'mon and get to it ;)!

Today's Assignment: Get your wrapping paper, ribbons, labels, tape and scissors out, and start wrapping! With plenty of time until Christmas, you could spend 15 minutes tonight, and maybe spread several more 15 minute sessions out over the weeks to come. Make a plan and timetable for wrapping all of your gifts, and then follow through. You can do it!

Check out the other posts in this series if you've missed them for more early Christmas prep inspiration!

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Gifting: Your Plan of Attack
Gifting: Think Outside the Box
Gifting: To Make or Purchase?
Christmas Cards: Your Plan of Attack
Christmas Cards: Making Your List and Checking it Twice
Christmas Cards: I've Got Your Number
Holiday Food: The Menu
Holiday Food: A Timetable
Holiday Food: Let's Get Down to Baking
Playing Christmas Keep Up
Holiday Schedule: Keep it Simple, Keep it Meaningful
Holiday Schedule: Plan and Chart
Your Holiday Cleaning Plan
Decking the Halls!

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