As I'm sure many of you have guessed, this place has been silent due to the arrival of our sweet little boy. "W" was born on July 30th at 6:30 in the morning after four {quick and intense} hours of labor. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 14 oz. {a whopping 5 pounds heavier than big sister!}, and was 19" long.
Postpartum has been a very different experience for me this time around! S was 13 weeks early, W was 5 days early. S was delivered by emergency c-section, W was a successful vbac. S stayed in the hospital for two months, W stayed for a mere 30 hours. With S I exclusively pumped, and W has been a champion nurser.
I look forward to sharing more of the details {who doesn't love a good birth story?} sometime in the near future. Right now I'm just trying to recover, enjoy my babes, and get caught up on sleep {ha ha} and life in general.
Thank you all for your support, encouragement, and prayers during my pregnancy! We have been so blessed to see how the Lord has worked.
A few big answers to prayer worth noting:
*W came just in time to see my Dad and Mom before they had to head out of town
*Labor was quick, and I managed to stay drug free, even in a highly managed hospital setting
*A successful vbac!
*A healthy, happy baby who eats well and sleeps well
*S adores her baby brother... she can't stop smooching the poor guy :)
I apologize for my tardiness in sharing our big news! Things have been a little hectic, and I'm finding that when I do have free time, I need to sleep ;). Until next time,
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