/**/ The Purposeful Wife: His Mercies Are New Every Morning {Even On Tired and Busy Ones!}

Thursday, August 16, 2012

His Mercies Are New Every Morning {Even On Tired and Busy Ones!}

This week has been a busy one. On the outset, it looked like a very normal week. A play date on Tuesday, the potential opportunity of learning to can tomatoes with a lady from church....

Then my dentist's office called to ask if they could bump my appointment up one month early. "Sure! Great!" I thought. "Why not get it out of the way?"

That was yesterday, and now today I have to go back to the dentist for two fillings. Followed by yet another follow-up appointment yet to be determined. Awesome.

When I went to buy my bushel of tomatoes for canning, I ended up buying a bushel of green peppers too (for $6, who could pass it up???).

There are countless tomatoes to wash and can, countless green peppers to wash and chop and freeze, and fillings to be had. As well as all the normal duties of grocery shopping, meal planning and making, laundry and ironing, cleaning up house and doing dishes.

The cherry on top is that my daughter is teething. Our nights have been punctuated with screams and tears, and extra throw up. I've been waking up each morning just as tired as I was when I went to bed.

And then this morning my daughter threw up in her car seat (for the second time this week!) on our way to dropping my husband at work. Just add another load of laundry to my tight schedule and staggering to-do list!

My first, knee-jerk reaction is to complain and shut down. Dramatic, I know.

This morning I determined that the first words my eyes would read would be God's Words (not the words of my RSS feed or email!). I hoped to find strength and empowerment for the day... to be honest, I just felt tired.

So I kept complaining. To my husband on the way to work, in my spirit all the way home.

When my daughter started her nap I knew I needed to make a change. I set a timer for a 20 minute power nap. When it went off, I didn't want to get up!

But I shot up a prayer asking for strength and grace, and made myself get up anyway.

I feel revived in energy right now. I am praying that it lasts!

And I am praying that His Spirit will fill me with JOY- so that I will not be dragged down with stress and anxiety, feeling frazzled and burnt out at the end of this day....

I'm reminding myself that His mercies are new every morning, and that His faithfulness is great. Stories like this one also put many things into perspective. I'm reading Elyse Fitzpatrick's Because He Loves Me right now, and it also is helping my heart and outlook immensely.

Because life isn't just about surviving, but thriving. Enjoying Him and glorifying Him, growing in grace daily. 

My 20 minute blogging timer is about to go off :). Say a prayer for me on this busy day, please?

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