In January I mentioned that I was working on developing a new blog. A sweet friend reminded me that it's been two months and no further word... so maybe like her, you'd like to know if there is still going to be a new blog, and what's coming down the pipeline?
All I can say is that collaborating with one's spouse on a project changes things. Blogging has always been, up until this point, my solo pursuit. I'm used to honing in on my own vision and preferences, and doing what I want to do, when I want to.
The blog we are working on birthing is a collaborative site. I am very excited about this! But I've also been surprised at how that changes the process. Mostly, because of my husband's hectic work and school schedule, its been s...l...o...w.
I've actually been writing posts, planning, and working on a second ebook most week days. My plan is to get all of the pieces in place that I can, so that when we have time to put our heads together and finish the big things, the rest of everything is ready to roll. I CANNOT WAIT to get this site going 😃!
The content over there will be very similar to what I've posted here, so if you've enjoyed your time reading, I think you will still love it. There will be more of a whole family focus, and posts from my husband Niall too. Super fun!
I'd love your help in the meantime. What have been your favorite types of content here? Are there any particular posts that stick out in your memory? What are some areas of Christian living, family, and home that you'd like to trouble shoot in this community?
I'd be honored to have you share your input 💗.
And you can still find me from time-to-time on Instagram and Facebook in the meanwhile.
Prayers appreciated? Lord willing, I'd like to have everything up and running in May.
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