It has been a majorly exciting week in our home. Baby S achieved one giant milestone when the doctor said she could come off of the oxygen Tuesday evening!!! It has been glorious- kissing sweet baby cheeks with no tape on them for the first time ever. Seeing her whole face, just her face, with nothing on it. We've waited nearly four months for this, and it was well worth every moment.
Even better, my mom came from across the country on Wednesday to meet S for the first time. What a wonderful surprise for Grandma when the baby with nothing on her face was handed to her :). Precious moments.
So far S is doing great without the O2. She had been pulling that cannula out of her nose since she was about a week old, so I think she is happy to have one less annoyance in her life :). We are just praying for a healthy winter so she doesn't have to get back on it!
Updates: Surprising my husband went well! I did get to vacuum the whole house (a process that should be much easier from now on, since I can wear S without lugging an oxygen tank around too), and two shirts were ironed. It's a start. Niall appreciated my efforts.
November's goals are a struggle. As you can see I've been averaging about two posts a week instead of three. Walking and praying happen maybe twice a week. I am following 21 days to a more disciplined life on Crystal's blog at moneysavingmom. Let's face it, I need all the help I can get :/.
Here's to a good week of thanking God for our many blessings!! Woohoo, my baby is home free!!! :D
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